Julie Frances Photography

Hey There! I'm Julie
And, I'm SO excited you're here!
Can't wait to meet!
I want to share a conversation that has stayed with me over the years. It came from a high-school senior as we were getting ready to photograph her session. It warmed my heart and truly hit the nail-on-the-head when it comes to describing my goals every time I lift my camera.
She started by saying, she had been seeing lots of senior photos on social and why my work stood out to her. She really “appreciated” how the photos I had been sharing of kids she knew, REALLY looked like their true-selves. She went on to give examples like, "she's glowing, I love her smile", "that laugh you caught was so perfect", "his smirk was spot on!"
Hearing her talk about how she could “see people’s personalities" in their photos really hit me. She didn’t know it, but she was explaining the importance of my process.
Sure, I know why I do what I do.
But hearing a 17 year old explain it from her point of view was PRICELESS!
For over 10 years, I've been photographing people & my clients repeatedly share how at ease they feel throughout the process.
So if you're wondering what it's like to work with Julie Frances Photography, you'll find:
an authentic experience
eliminating the worries
allowing you to feel like yourself
Before you know it we'll be capturing all of your beautiful, real, storytelling moments.
You truly are one-of-a-kind.
I say, Be YOU & let's do this!
Meet the Team
I'm a small town Maine girl who loves to take a drive to the ocean with the windows down, radio up & a coffee in hand.
Constantly feeding my interest in personal development & growth, you can find me taking in all the good stuff— books, podcasts, courses & seminars!
I find that I do everything with my whole heart— driven by my passion to help & encourage others.
Family is everything and with them is my favorite place to be.

I'm currently in college, studying to be a teacher which takes a great deal of my time.
I really enjoy the outlet to be creative with photography! I assist and 2nd shoot as often as possible!
I LOVE dogs! So, it's no surprise that my favorite times are those spent caring & hanging out with my rescue pup— Jorgia!
She is my pride & joy!

Jule's Corner
There’s no doubt that my family is my everything.
I have been abundantly blessed, having a beautiful, ever-growing family of children & grandchildren who are all fiercely vibrant, independent, strong, passionate, loving humans!
Occasions we're all gathered, we're quite a crew & life is good!
For me it can be hearing the laughter, chatter and reciting of childhood movie scenes all throughout the house when we get together or sharing the quieter one-on-one moments. The good, the bad and the everyday—I wouldn't trade it for anything.
They are my world.
Some of my Favorites
My Kids, Grandkids & Family
Jason, my soulmate & rock
DJ, my four legged fur-baby
Warm weather & sunny days
Traveling to new places
Windows down, Music up
Dancing—kitchen to dance floor
Live Music
Smell of fresh balsam
Walking on the beach—fave place on Earth
Quiet time to journal, read & meditate
& COFFEE—can't forget the java